Friday 25 May 2012


Hi guys,  thanks for your  subscription.  Here's a brief description of what is contained in this blog

To inspire is to provoke a particular feeling in someone, to encourage somebody to greater efforts through positive enthusiasm.

Religion defines inspiration as spiritual influence that allows a person to think, speak or act in a way that transcends ordinary human abilities. It can refer to a wide variety of religious experiences, including the presence of creative “spiritus” (spirits) responsible for the inspiration.

This blog is specially designed for people who seek motivation and people who feel they have the power vested upon them to motivate others and themselves to greater heights in all aspects of life ranging g from business, religion and faith, relationships and social life, talent and education

The inspiration provided is contextual in that it is dependent on your circumstance, situation, setting, background, framework, environment and perspective.  All you need to do is relate it to your state of affairs with faith and you will surely get your desired motivation.

Inspire is geared towards letting people realize their true potential, it is chiefly interested in awakening the “sleeping lion” in you.

I have dedicated myself to providing you with all the insight you need to forge through this life and to do this I have prepared numerous quotes from famous people both known and unknown to you, I will also be providing you with real life truly inspirational stories that resulted to great break through.

I am a believer in Christ Jesus (Christian) and therefore I will also be quoting verses from the Holy Bible to help us through.

Feel free to share your part of the story brethren. Nothing is impossible.